Over the past 12 years I’ve worked on over 40 show runs and countless other events, shows and advisory roles that maybe don’t fit the classic idea of a theat...
Technical Events
Designer and op
I’ve designed for, managed and/or opped a range of different events.
Crowd simulation tool
A crowd simulation plugin used in the development of Channel 4’s Electric Dreams and an upcoming show with Amazon Prime.
3rd year undergraduate research project investigating the use of light fields as environment maps as an alternative to traditional spherical or cube maps.
Projection mapping workshop
During the summer of 2016 I ran a workshop for 11 11-16 year olds on projection mapping. Across 4 days I supervised them as we constructed a 3D screen and cr...
Space Lift
Award winning short film
I ran a film workshop to produce a film that won a competition to be screened on the International Space Station!